The most expensive “item” you can buy for the water is a Capybara house (if you don’t know what those are, google it. With that currency (leafs) you can buy things for on the water to make more curency: Cattail, Lotus, Pearl Clam and more.

After getting those he will give you currency for your effort.

He will ask you to catch certain fish for him: for example two tunas and a goldfish. After giving Luna some fish, she will send you to my favourite character! (More about that in the next topic). I chose the chill mode and it was indeed that, very chill, and I loved that they thought about the casual gamers aswell. Gameplay | But how do I help a magical fox you might ask? By fishing in her garden ofcourse! At the start you get two options to choose from, involving the fishing, which is 80% of this game: the hard mode, or the chill mode.The storm has completely demolished her beautiful garden and it’s up to you to help her and everyone around. When you speak to the fox you will find out her name is Luna and she asks for help. You land on a little island, with small islands all around, and a very pretty looking fox. Story | Luna’s Fishing Garden is a simple yet amazing game so let me tell you all about it! The game starts by showing a little girl, getting sweeped up by a storm.This game is also available on Nintendo Switch and the Epic Store. Mika played Luna’s Fishing Garden for 3 hours on Steam (PC). So if that is your kind of game, I would recommend to keep reading!

When I saw this game, I told everyone on the PC reviewing team to back off this game is mine! Luna’s Fishing Garden is a very chill game that you can probably put in the same category as Animal Crossing, especially the fishing. LifeisXbox’s Luna’s Fishing Garden review | Psst, hey! Welcome to another review! Today we will be reviewing Luna’s Fishing Garden, developed and published by ColdwildGames.